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1. Part-time job

Part-time job is a common term used to describe a secondary job that is taken in addition to a primary job. It refers to working for a limited number of hours per week, usually less than the standard full-time working hours.

2. Side hustle

Side hustle is a trendy term used to describe a secondary job or income stream that is pursued alongside a main job. It often refers to entrepreneurial activities or freelance work that allows individuals to pursue their passions or interests while earning extra money.

3. Freelancing

Freelancing refers to working on a project basis or providing services to multiple clients without being employed by a specific company. Freelancers have the flexibility to choose their own projects and working hours, making it a popular choice for those seeking a side gig.

4. Moonlighting

Moonlighting is a term used to describe working a second job, typically during the evening or night hours, in addition to a regular daytime job. It implies working extra hours to earn additional income.

5. Gig economy

Gig economy refers to a labor market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs. It encompasses various types of flexible work arrangements, including part-time jobs, freelance work, and on-demand tasks.

6. Side business

Side business refers to a small business or entrepreneurial venture that is operated alongside a main job. It involves investing time and effort into building a business that can generate additional income and potentially grow into a full-time occupation.



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